While the Grille is undergoing renovations, stop by the Trail’s End Café to explore their expanded menu.
On a cold day, it is common to throw snow-covered skis into the back of the car, but when the heater cranks, the skis now are laying in a puddle. All of us know what will happen to metal when it gets soaked, so you don’t want to botch up the perfectly personality-matching graphics with rusty edges.
Note: there are various types of wax for changing surface conditions and temperatures, so if you are unsure of the appropriate choice, check with a professional before you choose.
Just like any type of maintenance, a routine is key; however, it’s good to be cautious when it comes to tuning. There’s nothing wrong with needing your equipment to be in tip-top shape utilizing the aforementioned tips, but it can become a bit of an addiction.
Your base thickness’ fixed, and it’ll only provide you with several grinds. Always inquire an expert for their opinion first prior to taking action and only grind down your base when necessary.
After you’re done with your day on the slopes, ensure you re-buckle your boots! Having the boots kept unbuckled will result in them losing their shape. Ski boots are extremely strong; for such a positive reason, too, so having their shape maintained will help your boots perform the way they’re supposed to and wear longer.