While the Grille is undergoing renovations, stop by the Trail’s End Café to explore their expanded menu.


Blog at Bear Creek

Weekday Warriors – Midweek ski getaway popularity rises as rates drop

As skiing and riding become more and more popular, so do the lines. If you venture to any ski resort on a weekend, upon rounding the mountain bend, you will see what looks like thousands of tiny ants crawling across a white blanket. The slopes are a little crowded, but there is no denying the allure of daytime skiing; the sun is warm, the visibility is perfect, and the snow is just right for digging in those edges. If you want to avoid the lift line wait time, but don’t want to deal with the dark, cold, sometimes-icy conditions that night skiing brings to eastern PA, there is another option that’s gaining momentum.
Midweek getaway deals are tapping into a new market. Historically, many resorts tend to struggle filling weekday business, leaving the lodge looking like a ghost town, but more recently the internet has become littered with midweek hotel offers that entice guests to come shred the gnar during the week. These specials are usually packages that include discounted hotel rooms, lift tickets, and rental equipment.
With many cheap midweek getaway options, you can experience less crowds and more sunlight, while keeping your wallet afloat. Bear Creek Mountain Resort offers a package called the “Midweek Ski & Stay” hotel package, starting at $239 (double occupancy). Travel expenses can be kept to a minimum as well by looking locally. Bear Creek is located in Macungie, PA and makes a perfect destination for those in the Philadelphia and mid-New Jersey regions. 
Although most of us might have to use a vacation day or two, these midweek getaway specials have proved successful in driving business to deficient areas. Weekday vacations have become popular among the younger crowd who might not have the time or funds to take a lengthy trip. Weekdays are the cheapest time to ski, so it makes a perfect mini-vacation if you have restrictions. Even if the resort doesn’t offer big mountain air, the fun only multiplies when you’re only one of the few ants on the blanket.