Mountain Camp Registration is now open.  For more information and to register, visit Here.


Events & Festivals

Cardboard Box Race

Cardboard Box Race Rules and Format

Our annual Cardboard Box Race will take place on our tubing hill once again. Engineer a racing machine from just cardboard, duct tape, paint and zip ties. Then pilot it down our track in an elimination format until the fastest sled prevails.

No entry fee.

Time: Saturday, March 8th at 12:30 PM

  1. Sleds can only be made out of cardboard, duct tape, paint and zip ties.
    2. All sleds must be registered in advance by Wednesday, March 5th via email to [email protected] with the following information;
  • Name of sled
  • Name of riders on the sled
  1. Sleds must have a minimum of 2 riders. 
    4. Sleds must be named.
    5. Sleds can begin to check in at designated sled pit area for sled inspection at1 11 AM.  All sleds must be present in the pit area by 12:00 PM for judging.
  2. Race begins at 12:30 PM.
    6. All riders must wear a helmet.
    7. Keep it tasteful and clean.  Other than that, anything goes!

Race Format

  1. Four sled heats, double elimination
    2. Winner of each heat qualifies
    3. Loser of each heat gets a second chance to qualify
    4. All qualifying sleds will move into a bracket; the winner moves on. The loser is eliminated until we have a winner
    5. Sleds will need to be durable enough for multiple heats.

Prizes awarded for both the race champion and the most creative sled.